Three ways to prepare for the future of hospitality

With over 100,000 hotels and motels across the U.S., the hospitality industry is more competitive than ever. The cost of hotel operations is rising in tandem with the cost of delivering unique and exciting guest experiences. As hoteliers look for new ways to stand out, offsetting the costs of creating memorable experiences requires creative solutions.

The answer? Finding sources of revenue beyond bookings.

Here’s how hotel owners are harnessing the power of technology to address modern obstacles and better position their hotels for success—no matter what the future holds.

1. Unlock new revenue streams
According to a report by Oracle and Skift, nearly half of executives expect non-room revenue to account for an increasing share of their hotel’s revenue by 2025.

In-room TVs are a great way to drive non-room revenue. With customizable technology, hotels can sell on-screen ad space to local establishments or promote larger affiliate partners and collect extra income from referring guests.

2. Stay ahead of trends
As Millennial and Gen Z travelers represent an increasing share of bookings, they’re bringing their technology expectations with them.

Travelers worldwide say on-demand, in-room entertainment access is the No. 1 “must-have” to create an amazing hotel stay.

Ensuring guests have access to their preferred content and streaming platforms can significantly enhance their stay. With future-ready entertainment platforms like OnStream—which also integrates with the Google Play Store—offering a wide variety of streaming services has never been easier. These platforms allow guests to access popular services like Netflix or the latest streaming apps and automatically clear guest login credentials. This means that hoteliers don’t need to worry about constantly updating offerings or guest data security.

Despite the popularity of streaming, other guests prefer and expect live TV, and these advanced capabilities can help you make that experience the best it can be:

  • Select featured channels: Curate live TV content according to seasonality or guest preferences and demographics
  • Genre filtering: Make it easy for guests to find the big game, season premiere, or relaxing documentary they want to watch
  • Universal search option: Help guests to search content across live TV and streaming applications, all in one place
  • Quick and responsive channel guide: Give guests the freedom to flip through options, see details, and select programming without the frustrating lag time

With all of these offerings, you can keep your entertainment selection up-to-date and reliably connect guests with the content they love.

3. Take advantage of future opportunities
Duetto reports that 78% of hotels expect their hotel technology investment to increase in the next three years.

Innovating hotel technology can be both exciting and intimidating, but it’s a necessary investment for hoteliers who want to stay ahead of the competition.

By adopting flexible, customizable technology today, you can prepare for the hospitality trends of tomorrow. To expedite your launch and shorten your time to ROI, DISH Business technology is designed to work with your existing infrastructure—meaning no costly or time-consuming upgrades or rewiring are required. And to make sure you’re always getting the optimum experience, our software automatically updates to deliver the latest capabilities without burdening your IT team with excessive maintenance.

Connect with our team today to determine the best fit for your property.  Visit us at The Hospitality Show Booth #1113 or to watch what’s possible.

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